Wednesday, February 20, 2019


This little bee is happy to have some late winter blooms to visit.  Next to the Ag Center, the Tar River Beekeepers keep several hives.  You can find more information about this group on their public Facebook page.

Blooming Helleborus (Lenten Rose)

Also blooming are the Narcissus 'Ice Follies' daffodils scattered throughout the Arboretum.  A few years ago a bushel of bulbs was planted.  They have multiplied and are putting on a great display.  Pictured below is one, but you can view more photos and gardening advice at our Facebook page (search Pitt County Arboretum).  Or come out for a visit and see them in person!

Narcissus 'Ice Follies'
Photos by M. Shugart