The Master Gardeners are busy preparing signs, putting on plant tags, tending the plants, and all other tasks needed to get ready for our plant sale. We have the largest selection of plants ever (over 3,500 to date). Our prices are very reasonable, starting at $1.00. We will be offering perennials, annuals, herbs, roses, trees, shrubs, vines, ground covers, shade plants, vegetables, and sedums. All plants have either been propagated from the gardens at the Arboretum or Master Gardeners' own collections, or grown from seed.
Additionally, you can participate in the Plant Swap. Each year many gardeners enjoy bringing in items from their yards and swapping them with other gardeners. The items range from plants, to garden books, garden art, pots, and more. We never know what will show up, but we do know that the participants have some free fun.
Don't forget to bring your gardening questions. Danny Lauderdale and the Master Gardeners will be ready to help you.
See you at 9:00 AM if you are (or plan to become) a 'Friend of the Arboretum'.
Otherwise, the sale for the general public is from 10:00 AM to NOON.
The Plant Swap starts at 11:00 AM.
Call 902-1709 if you have any questions.