Tuesday, September 6, 2011


The Arboretum weathered Irene about the same as the rest of Eastern Carolina.  Some of the larger trees lost were a Chinese Elm, High Cotton Crape Myrtle, Eastern Red Cedar, and Bradford Pears.  A group of Master Gardener Volunteers worked diligently Monday after the storm to clean up smaller limbs and leaf debris.

As we all continue to clean up perhaps your thoughts mirror many others who wonder what if anything can be done to minimize damage from future storms.  Read this article written by Pender County's Extension Office on Hurricane Resistant Trees.  It list better choices of trees to plant in addition to better ways to plant them.
Another Internet search brought up a useful site which lists hurricane resistant trees as well as those not recommended.    Click here for that list:  Hurricane Resistant Trees

The good news is that Fall is the best time of year to plant.  Why?  Paul James, Master Gardener and The Garden Guy says:
"Why is fall planting so good for plants? In the fall, the warm soil encourages root growth. Roots continue to grow through the winter until the ground freezes, or in areas with mild winters, roots may continue to grow. In early spring, roots begin new growth or continue to develop at a faster rate, and top growth begins. While the same plant planted in spring gets a slow start due to cool soils, the fall-planted plants are becoming well established. Hence, the spring-planted plant on the right lags. When summer finally arrives, the fall-planted plant is far better equipped to deal with heat and drought, largely due to its well-established root system."