One thing to consider is not only bloom (if any), but the color, shape, and texture of the foliage. All of that is longer lasting than the actual flower. Here are some examples from the Arboretum:
Top - Scientific name (Common name)
1. Hibiscus syriacus (Rose of Sharon)
2. Ilex cornuta 'Carissa' (Chinese Holly)
3. Ilex vomitoria pendula (Weeping Yaupon Holly)
4. Mahonia bealei (Leatherleaf Mahonia)
5. Nandina domestica (Heavenly Bamboo)
6. Cryptomeria japonica 'Radicans' (Japanese Cedar)
7. Chionanthus retusis (Chinese Fringetree)
8. Ilex verticillata (Winterberry Holly)
9. Fatshedera lizei (Tree Holly)
10. Euonymus japonicus (Japanese Euonymus)
Photos by J. Margeson