Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Meet Joe Pye.  This is our Eutrochium purpureum (formerly Eupatorium purpureum) growing in our Wildflower Garden next the cistern pump.  With the tag of 'Weed' added to the name, it may seem like an undesirable plant to deliberately put in your garden.  However, the butterflies and bumblebees greatly appreciate this late summer/fall blooming perennial.  If you look closely at the picture you will see a bumblebee collecting pollen.  You will find other Joe Pye Weeds in our Plants for Wet Sites, Perennial Border, and the Herb Garden.  This attests to its adaptabilty and easy care attributes.  Read here for more about growing this great pollinator garden must have:

And if you want to read the back story of 
"Who was Joe Pye?"  CLICK HERE