Last year we planted a vertical wall with succulent plants that would thrive in hot, dry conditions. It hasn't behaved as we thought and we are working on ways to make it a success (more on this planting at a later date). However, beneath the wall planting we put in a bed to catch plants that might break off from the parent plant. We also planted a few starter plants. While the vertical planting struggles, the bed plantings have flourished. These are definitely plants to recommend for a year round garden.
PLANT IDs from left to right:
- Sedum rupestre 'Blue Spruce' (Blue-green)
- Sedum rupestre 'Angelina' (Yellow-orange)
- Orystachys sp. (White flower)
- Sedum acre (Green, low growing mat)
- Sedum 'Autumn Joy' (Taller with rusty colored flowers)
Here is the entire length of the "Catch All Bed"