Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Last year we planted a vertical wall with succulent plants that would thrive in hot, dry conditions.  It hasn't behaved as we thought and we are working on ways to make it a success (more on this planting at a later date).  However, beneath the wall planting we put in a bed to catch plants that might break off from the parent plant.  We also planted a few starter plants.  While the vertical planting struggles, the bed plantings have flourished.  These are definitely plants to recommend for a year round garden.
PLANT IDs from left to right:
  • Sedum rupestre 'Blue Spruce'   (Blue-green)
  • Sedum rupestre 'Angelina'      (Yellow-orange)
  • Orystachys sp.                       (White flower)
  • Sedum acre                            (Green, low growing mat)
  • Sedum 'Autumn Joy'             (Taller with rusty colored flowers)
Here is the entire length of the "Catch All Bed"

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012


It's November, so it must be time to start thinking about Christmas.  Here's a suggestion to not only have your front doorstep look pretty for the holidays, but all winter long.  Instead of purchasing a fake tree in an urn, why not plant a real evergreen in a large pot.  It can be decorated any way you fancy (lights, ornaments, bows, etc.) and when the decorations come down, you will still have an entryway tree.

At the Arboretum we have used evergreens in our containers.  We will leave them in for a growing season or two and then plant them in the ground.  We have had success with Thuja plicata 'Green Giant' arborvitae which has the desirable pyramid shape.  Purchased in the smaller 1 gallon pots for under $10 it will survive nicely in a large container outdoors.  Keep in mind it eventually could reach 40', but by then you will have planted it in a proper spot in your garden.  Another choice could be the rosemary plant clipped to a tree form as shown in the picture.

Click here are some tips for caring for your Winter Container Garden

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Want to learn more about gardening and then share what you learn?  That is something to ask yourself if you are thinking about becoming an Extension Master Gardener Volunteer.  Time is running out to send in your application for the upcoming training.  Click here for the details:

Of course, the best reason to join is so you can hang out with the greatest group of people in Pitt County!  (So says this totally unbiased blogger!)

Monday, November 5, 2012


 Thank you all to who came out on a beautiful fall morning to help celebrate the Pitt County Arboretum's 10th Anniversary.  Danny Lauderdale led the group through the gardens, stopping in each area to listen to the curators tell about their plantings.  Additionally, everyone had a chance to ask their own questions about gardening problems and practices.  Each guest received a bundle of 'Ice Follies' daffodils to plant as a remembrance of the tour.  If you missed this tour, you can catch the next one on December 6th starting at 10:00 AM where Master Gardeners will be giving tips on "Holiday Decor from Nature."  Self-guided tours can be taken any day of the week from dawn to dusk.  Pick up a Visitor's Guide under the shelter in front of the Ag Center.