Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tempting as it may be, it is best to hold off planting for a bit longer. The days have certainly been warmer and some stores are starting to sell all the pretty flowers and yummy looking tomato plants. However, for us here in Pitt County the last frost date can be as late as April 15th. Keep in mind that some warm season annuals, herbs, and vegetables can be injured if the temperatures get below 40 degrees. So if you plant now be prepared to keep a close eye on the thermometer. Follow these steps in Protecting Your Plants from Frost should low temperatures be in the forecast. It seems to be quite a lot of work which can be avoided by just waiting a few more weeks. You can call our hotline for a chart showing the best times to plant your vegetables. This is a good time to evaluate what went wrong/right in last year's garden. This ariticle reveals some Gardening Chores to Do Now.